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Mastering Linking Words

A Comprehensive Guide for Non-Native English Writers

Linking words play a crucial role in connecting ideas within sentences, paragraphs, and entire texts. They serve various purposes such as adding information, showing cause and effect, providing examples, or contrasting ideas. However, overusing linking words can lead to repetitive language patterns that may hinder the clarity and coherence of your writing.

Understanding Linking Words

Linking words are used in different contexts to connect ideas within a sentence or paragraph. Some common types of linking words include:

  1. Additive: These words add information without implying any specific relationship between the two parts of the sentence (e.g., also, moreover).

  2. Causal: They express cause and effect relationships between ideas (e.g., because, therefore).

  3. Contrastive: These linking words highlight differences or oppositions between concepts (e.g., however, on the contrary).

  4. Sequential: Sequential linking words indicate a sequence of events or steps in an argument (e.g., firstly, finally).

Understanding these different categories will help you choose appropriate linking words when writing and avoid overusing them unnecessarily.

A jigsaw puzzle in a study with puzzle pieces scattered around.

Identifying Overuse Issues

Overusing linking words can lead to several issues in your writing:

  1. Repetitive Language Patterns: When you rely too heavily on a few favorite linking words, it may result in monotonous language patterns that make your text less engaging for readers.
  2. Lack of Clarity and Coherence: Overusing linking words can sometimes obscure the relationships between ideas rather than clarifying them. This confusion might lead to misunderstandings or misinterpretations by your audience.
  3. Unnatural Flow: Excessive use of linking words may disrupt the natural flow of your writing, making it harder for readers to follow your train of thought.

To identify overuse issues in your own work, pay attention to how often you use specific linking words and whether they are genuinely contributing to the development of your arguments or ideas.

Strategies for Avoiding Overuse

Now that we've discussed some common problems associated with overusing linking words let's explore practical strategies to address these issues:

A. Deletion

In many cases, you can simply remove a linking word without affecting the meaning or clarity of your writing. For example:

  • Original sentence: "I enjoy playing tennis; however, I don't have much time for it."
  • Revised sentence: "I enjoy playing tennis but don't have much time for it."

By removing "however," we maintain the contrast between enjoying tennis and having limited time while simplifying the language.

B. Synonym Substitution

Instead of relying on a single linking word, consider using alternative expressions to convey similar meanings:

  • Original sentence: "I prefer coffee over tea because it has more caffeine."
  • Revised sentence: "I prefer coffee due to its higher caffeine content compared to tea."

In this example, we replaced "over" with "due to," which provides a different way of expressing the same idea.

A pair of scissors cutting a string tied around index cards with a light neutral background

C. Rewording

Rewriting sentences can help eliminate unnecessary linking words while maintaining coherence and clarity:

  • Original sentence: "I like reading books; moreover, I also enjoy watching movies."
  • Revised sentence: "In addition to enjoying reading books, I am fond of watching movies as well."

Here, we rephrased the original sentence by using an alternative expression ("in addition") and incorporating both activities into a single statement.

D. Aggressive Pruning

Try removing all instances of a particular linking word from your text initially. After waiting for some time (e.g., an hour or two), re-read the revised version and only add back those words where necessary to maintain clarity and coherence in your argumentation.

E. Rephrasing

Instead of using a linking word like "however," you can simplify restatements by directly stating contradictions or support:

  • Original sentence: "Although I love chocolate, I try to limit my consumption."
  • Revised sentence: "I love chocolate but make an effort to consume it in moderation."

In this case, we replaced the adverbial phrase ("although") with a more straightforward expression that emphasizes both preferences and limitations.

F. Consider Argument Structure

Examine your paper's overall structure to ensure it effectively communicates your points without relying heavily on linking words. You may find opportunities to separate subarguments from the main argument flow, which could reduce the need for certain connectors.

G. Reserve Them for Building Up or Tearing Down a Point

Use linking words sparingly when they genuinely contribute to building up or tearing down an argument. This approach will help you avoid overusing them unnecessarily and maintain focus on your key points.

A pair of sharp pruning shears on a stack of cut branches with a partially pruned tree in the background

H. Avoid thesaurus Overuse

While it's essential to expand your vocabulary, be cautious about blindly substituting synonyms for linking words without considering their appropriateness within a given context. Using less common terms can lead to confusion or misinterpretation by readers who may not be familiar with them.

I. Learn from Examples

Study well-written academic papers in your field to understand how successful authors handle transitions between ideas without relying heavily on linking words. Pay attention to their use of punctuation, sentence structure, and other techniques that contribute to coherent writing.

J. Use Grammar Checking Tools

Consider using online resources or software applications (such as Linguisity) that can help identify instances of repetitive language patterns and suggest alternative word choices when appropriate.

By employing these strategies, you should be able to maintain clarity in your writing while avoiding overuse of linking words. Remember that practice is key to improving your writing skills; over time, you'll gain more confidence in using linking words appropriately and effectively.

A hand holding a fountain pen above a sheet of paper with partially written sentences and bullet points, showing the pen's ink and a subtle background pattern resembling lined paper

Common Mistakes and Pitfalls

As a non-native English writer, there are some common mistakes and pitfalls related to linking word usage that you should be aware of:

  1. Incorrect Verb Forms: Some languages do not include all the verb tenses found in English, so make sure your verbs match the timing indicated by other words in a sentence (e.g., "I have eaten" vs. "I eat").
  2. Adverb Placement Issues: Adverbs often end in "-ly," but their placement within a sentence can affect meaning or sound awkward if not used correctly (e.g., "She barely heard the noise" vs. "She heard barely the noise").
  3. Omitted Words: Some languages, especially those that make greater use of inflection, do not include all the words found in English sentences (e.g., articles like "a," "an," and "the"). Be mindful of including these essential elements when writing in English.

Examples from Various Fields

To illustrate how overusing linking words might affect technical or academic writing, let's consider some examples:

Example 1 (Computer Science)

Original sentence: "In this algorithm, firstly we initialize the variables; secondly, we perform a loop until certain conditions are met; and finally, we output the result."

Revised sentence: "This algorithm consists of three main steps. First, we initialize the necessary variables. Next, we execute a loop that continues until specific criteria are satisfied. Finally, we produce the desired outcome."

In this example, by rephrasing the original sentence and using alternative expressions (e.g., "consists of," "First," "Next"), we maintain clarity while avoiding repetitive language patterns associated with overusing linking words like "firstly" and "finally."

Example 2 (Robotics)

Original sentence: "However, if the robot encounters an obstacle on its path, it will stop moving forward; moreover, it may even change direction to avoid collisions with other objects in its environment."

Revised sentence: "When faced with an obstacle during navigation, the robot halts forward movement and potentially adjusts its course to prevent collisions with surrounding items."

Here, we replaced "however" with a more concise expression ("When faced with") and restructured the sentence to eliminate unnecessary linking words like "moreover," resulting in clearer communication of the intended message.

Example 3 (Academic Writing)

Original sentence: "Although there are numerous studies on this topic, most of them have focused primarily on one aspect; therefore, more research is needed to explore other dimensions."

Revised sentence: "While many existing studies concentrate on a single facet of the issue, further investigation should be conducted to examine additional aspects."

In this case, we replaced both "although" and "therefore" with alternative expressions ("While," "further investigation should be conducted") that convey similar meanings without relying heavily on linking words.

A hand holding a fountain pen above lined paper with underlined words, with a bookshelf softly blurred in the background


In conclusion, mastering linking word usage is an important aspect of improving your writing skills as a non-native English writer. By understanding the different types of linking words, identifying overuse issues, and employing practical strategies to address them, you can enhance the clarity, coherence, and overall effectiveness of your written communication.

Remember that practice is key to refining these techniques; with time and dedication, you'll become more confident in using linking words appropriately and avoiding their overuse in various contexts.

However, as a non-native English writer, you may find it challenging to identify instances of overusing linking words in your writing. Fortunately, Linguisity - our AI-powered language mastery tool - can help! With its advanced algorithms and personalized feedback system, Linguisity analyzes your written content and provides suggestions on how to improve your use of linking words.

By using Linguisity as part of your writing process, you'll be able to avoid common pitfalls associated with overusing these connectors while maintaining clarity and coherence in your arguments or ideas. Simply start writing, let our AI technology do the rest, and watch your fluency improve!


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